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Extrovert-  Energized by spending time with others; external processors who act first and think later;  wide variety of relationships; loses energy when not socializing; loves people


iNtuitive- Future oriented; able to connect disparate ideas; appreciates concepts and theories; searches for patterns; recalls context; abstract and non-linear thinkers; free-floating memories and ideas


Feeling- Emotionally aware and sensitive to the impact of their decisions on others; sensitive to other's needs; aware of the reaction of others to given situations; seeks win-win situations and popular opinion; dislikes conflict


Judgement- Predictable; enjoys routine and structure; task and action oriented; planner; detail oriented and organized


Barack Obama  |  Jennifer Lawrence  |  Charl

ie Rose  |  James Lipton  |  Bono  | Michael Jo

rdan  |  Pete Sampras  |  Maya Angelou  |  Rev

erend Martin Luther King Jr  |  Nancy Reagan

|  Pope John Paul II  |  Reese Whitherspoon  |

Oprah Winfrey  |  Cristiano Rinaldo  |  Johann

Wolfgang von Goethe  |  Margaery Tyrell  |  Di

ane Sawyer  |  Ben Affleck  |  Pericles  |  Yass

er Arafat  |  Sean Connery  |  Nigella Lawson  |  Peyton Manning  |  Mikhail Gorbachev  |  Fr

ancois Mitterand  |  Freddie Mercury


Natural born leaders with strong personalities that radiate confidence, authenticity, and fairness.  People are naturally attracted to their charisma and willingness to fight for what is right.  While there are many similarities between the INFJ and the ENFJ, the difference is noticeable with how they handle problems.  The INFJ will notice them and want to change themselves, while the ENFJ will see them and want to change the world.  They genuinely want to, too, and that starts with empowering the people around them and often pushing others to be their best.  They are happy to lead, enjoy the spotlight, and take criticism remarkably well, learning from it and incorporating suggestions into their thinking, goals, and beliefs.  They are unwaveringly reliable and do what they say, because they cannot bear to disappoint others.  They quickly understand others and can read the crowd and quickly adjust to synch up with their needs.  They can be too empathetic and can take on the burdens of others, which can weigh them down if they don't learn how to shield themselves from it.  They can sometimes become too involved in the lives of others, not realizing it isn't always wanted.  Disappointing others is difficult, and they may struggle to make big decisions if it comes at the cost of others.  They support the values they hold dear and are firm and loyal in their friendships and relationships, never taking them lightly.  ENFJs need structure, stability, and routine to maintain balance. 

Design Ideas

Natural entertainers and the perfect host who will ensure they have a wide variety of drinks and snacks for everyone- alcoholic and non, regular soda and sugar-free, regular ice cream and some for the lactose intolerant; vegetarian snacks and some for the gluten free.  It isn't that they are obsessive with stuff, it's that they want to make sure everyone is comfortable and feel included.  


They thrive in open floor plan houses and need plenty of seating and space for everyone to feel comfortable in big and small groups, with spaces to sit and chat as well as plenty of space for games both inside and out.  They would do well in a cul-de-sac where everyone knows everyone else and all the kids wind up at their house.


Their altruistic nature and community involvement could mean that these parties become fund-raisers, committee meetings, or simply stuffing bags for charities and their local

ENFJ Design Ideas

PTA, making a large, casual dining table infinitely useful.  Their desire to change the world can also be seen through their respect for the environment.  Reclaimed woods, local sourcing, up-cycling, and composting; leaving a small footprint is second nature to them.  They don't speak the doctrine of whatever it is they believe in- they live it.


Bright colors drawn from nature keep everyone in their circle happy and energized- from family members to guests.  


A large kitchen with a big island, double-ovens, and a French door fridge to hold platters and containers of previously prepared food is a must, as is a grill, large deck, and big backyard.  If funds allow, they may want to consider an outdoor kitchen or second dishwasher in the kitchen.  Garage storage for drinks, snacks, and spare activity supplies is a must.  They are fine keeping things casual but know when to become more formal in their behavior and demeanor.  A spare bag of paper plates and Solo cups is always close at hand, but they also have a caterer on speed dial for more formal affairs. Their social grace extends to knowing how to talk to everyone- when to keep it to light conversation and when to go deep.  


Setting up systems for organizing activities, groups of friends, and all of their recreational equipment is key, but they make it all seem effortless.  Home hubs may have long lists of supplies, filled calendars, chore lists, and handwritten messages of encouragement- they are just as concerned with encouraging the home team as well as the work one.  They are efficient in practical matters and quickly finish their work during working hours, which allows plenty of time for family and friends. Any work that needs to be done can be handled by delegating, an app, or by popping a laptop on the kitchen counter.  Valuable square footage is best used for entertaining.  


They will ensure everyone's bedrooms and personal spaces are comfortable, attractive, and well-organized, and suit their individual style and needs- they will not push their preferred aesthetic onto others but allow them to make their own choices.



Pinterest boards are included to help illustrate design ideas, but everyone has different tastes and styles, and we create custom concepts for all of our clients.  

Working with Home Professionals

These caring and social individuals are busy and always moving, and while they have the ability to recognize the steps required to do the job and the mental capacity to finish, they simply lack the time to plan and worry about the details.  While they will want to make sure everyone's needs and desires are accounted for, they may be too focused on fairness, as they are too close to the individuals to make the tough decisions.  An experienced designer will know the best course of action to ensure everyone is taken care of as an individual while also serving the family as a whole.  Without a third party mediator, there is potential for a confusing final concept that awkwardly meets everyone's functional and aesthetic needs but doesn't have a masterful single concept.  The ENFJ's participation in the project should be focused on motivating everyone to create lists of what they want as well as provide images of spaces and designs that inspire them.


As home buyers, they will want a house that can feel personal and intimate when it is just the family but flexible enough to host large groups well.  A REALTOR who knows how to discover everyone's needs and can evaluate the home for livability, as well as possessing the ability to space plan the house for furniture layouts, will be infinitely valuable.  ENFJs are natural leaders, motivators, and delegaters, and have faith in their team mates, allowing them to do their research and present them with properties that best suit their needs.  Clients may become more hands-on with their home search if the first pass does not satisfy their needs.  House hunting will turn into jovial brain-storming sessions to evaluate the homes as if they were planning their design schematics and preparing for events.  

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