nBaxter Design
Extrovert- Energized by spending time with others; external processors who act first and think later; wide variety of relationships; loses energy when not socializing, loves people
Sensing- Concerned with the present; objective thinkers who notice physical details; memory recalls facts and past experiences; likes clear and concrete facts; linear thinkers who put things in order as they experience them
Feeling- Emotionally aware and sensitive to the impact of their decisions on others; sensitive to other's needs; aware of the reaction of others to given situations; seeks win-win situations and popular opinion; dislikes conflict
Perception- Flexible and spontaneous; multi-tasks well; loves to mix work and play; does their best work last minute; values perfection over completion
Ronald Reagan | Elvis Presley | Hugh Hefn
er | Mark Cuban | Leonardo DiCaprio | Ma
gic Johnson | Tony Robbins | Serena Willi
ams | Benito Mussolini | Katy Perry | Big
gie Smalls | Justin Bieber | Larry Ellison |
Andy Sandberg | Jamie Oliver | Richard Br
anson | Cameron Diaz | Bob Hope | Pink | Dennis Rodman | Kyle Petty | Michael Sc
ott | Zac Effron | Deepak Chopra | Walter
Payton | Kathy Lee Gifford | Steve Irwin |
Jake Gyllenhaal | Howard Schultz | Micha
el Scott | Dolly Parton | Adam Levine
These spontaneous individuals are kind, charismatic, and love being the center of attention. Often performing for their friends just to see them laugh, ESFPs spread joy wherever they go. They loathe structure, schedules, obligations, and restrictive environments, preferring autonomy. They will inject fun and irreverence into the most mundane tasks with their spontaneous sense of humor. As natural event planners with plenty of friends, they are often over-scheduled and prone to cancelling on their friends at the last minute in their pursuit of finding the most interesting and exciting way to spend their time. But never fear, they will always be there to lend support. Life is full of adventure and potential, and they experience it boldly and loudly, with plenty of drama and passion. They have an instinctive sense of flair and style, from the way they dress to the way they carry themselves, as if someone is always watching. They never want to disappoint and strive to win the affection and approval of their friends. ESFPs are great conversationalists, but they get caught up in the moment, getting lost in their own stories and enthusiasm. Originality is a big concern of theirs, and they prefer to be their own person, rather than follow the established order. They will take great pains to ensure everyone is happy and enjoying life as much as they are. Boredom and consistency can leave them flat, preferring relationships with people as curious and adventurous as themselves. They are warm, affectionate, and demonstrative of their love both verbally and physically. Life is a grand adventure, or nothing at all.
Design Ideas
Drama is as important in their homes as it is in other parts of their life. Find bold colors and playful patterns, pop in a bright color-rich sofa, or large, unusual piece of furniture that will create a focal point and spark conversation.
Find unique ways to add humor to your design- a clever wallpaper pattern, unusual piece of art, or collection of toys randomly spread about as accessories will add a sense of fun and irreverence.
Enjoy the details, experiment with trims on your drapery and pillows, find unusual dishes and napkins in secondhand stores, or spray paint a traditional light a bright color and add a whimsical shade.
Incorporate family in unusual ways; create a shadowbox of childhood toys, or hang photos of older relatives as young adults in bold frames.
Use bold colors, heavily patterned wallpaper, pops of metals, and natural stone counters to create a dramatic powder room for guests. It will be a wonderful surprise and delight guests.
ESFPs are not well suited for trends that will be out of style in just a few years; they prefer to use their sense of style and flair to create unique spaces designed specifically for their tastes and will enjoy them for many years. Experiment with pattern and color- a natural sense of style and flair will bring it all together in the end.
Open floor plans with plenty of space to move around is a must, as is a large kitchen and well-stocked pantry for last minute get togethers. Paper plates, napkins, and cups are a must for easy clean-up.
ESFPs have a variety of interests they pursue with their diverse friends. Keep a piano in the corner for last minute sing alongs with friends- these natural show-offs are either skilled performers themselves or have friends who are always ready to lead the choir.
Create a home studio to indulge in the arts, whether that is a space for making art, a music room, or a place to dance.
Pinterest boards are included to help illustrate design ideas, but everyone has different tastes and styles, and we create custom concepts for all of our clients.
Working with Home Professionals
With lots of energy, a playful sense of humor, and an appreciation of the arts, an ESFPs home is bound to be exciting and fun. While they will enjoy decorating and furnishing their homes, it's just another adventure and place to express themselves, working with an Interior Designer on the home's finishes will enable them to create a cohesive background for their design plans, whether it is funky tile, cabinetry, lighting, or flooring. It's important that it will stand on its own when they are ready to sell. Designers will also be of great assistance with all of the technical aspects and practical tasks required and will be fun people to bounce ideas off of and experiment with.
ESFPs have great imaginations and big plans but can get stuck narrowing it down to achievable goals. REALTORS will be invaluable with explaining the process, ensuring all paperwork is in order, and assist with needed resources. They will also help to compare their list of needs with what the market has to offer to set reasonable expectations. What seems like a logical request to someone with such a creative mind may not be a feature that's readily available. By having an idea of what they are looking for, the REALTOR can help them spot potential areas and ways for them to create it.