nBaxter Design
Extrovert- Energized by others; acts first and thinks later; wide variety of relationships; loses energy when not socializing
Sensing- Concerned with the present; objective thinkers; memory recalls facts and past experiences; likes clear and concrete facts
Thinking- Analytical of data; searches for facts to make decisions; objective and critical; accepts conflict as natural; understands tasks required to accomplish goals
Judgement- Predictable; enjoys routine; task oriented; enjoys structure; action oriented; planner; detail oriented and organized
Theresa May | Mike Wallace | Uma Thurm
an | Billy Graham | Celine Dion | Steve Ba
llmer | Megyn Kelly | Ivanka Trump | Lyn
don Johnson | Sonia Sotomayer | Uma Th
urman | Michelle Obama | Violet Crawley | Tom Clancy | Alec Baldwin | Sandra Day
O'Connor | Cersei Lannister | Nolan Ryan | Kelsey Grammer | Rose Kennedy | Court
eney Cox | Robb Stark | Darth Vadar | Sa
ddam Hussein | Ann Coulter | Augusto Pin
ochet | Mrs. Patmore | Laura Linney
These natural born leaders love surrounding themselves with diverse people and bringing them together to benefit the common good. They are rooted in tradition, are highly ethical, and are often sought after for their good advice and wisdom. They are confident and strong and will fight to defend their beliefs even in the face of adversity. ESTJs love structure and tradition, and are patient and highly driven; they not only have a clear vision of their goals but clearly understand the steps necessary to reach them and will do so through hard work and proper delegation. Work for them is a joy, and they will not give up on any goal, no matter how difficult it may be to succeed, because anything can be accomplished through dedication and hard work. They rely heavily on their ability to assess a situation and confidently make decisions, only changing their planned course of action if there is verifiable proof that their conclusions, ideals, and data are wrong. They can be uncomfortable with new ways and methods. Change can feel like chaos, and they can prefer to sort information into mental boxes and disregard what is unfamiliar; challenges to their ideals and judgement can be difficult. They believe strongly in structure and dedication and can get stuck in their thinking, but will adapt if it means personal growth and getting closer to their goals. Laziness, disloyalty, rebellion, and dishonesty are not tolerated, and when mixed with their reliance on facts over emotions, can lead to sharp criticism. Success is important to them, as is status- they enjoy seeing the fruits of their labor and are concerned with the opinions of others. They are the perfect hosts and enjoy the routine and formality of entertaining, whether that is an intimate group of friends or a planning session for charity events. They are stable people who value their family, with relationships built on honesty and integrity . They are clear about what they want and do not waiver from it as the relationship develops. Friendships are usually formed around familiar routines, and they prefer to build them around external events rather than deep conversation. They are predictable and plan out their events, preferring familiar people and places. However, they always bring a lot of energy and get their friends involved.
Design Ideas
A well-appointed home is important to ESTJs. It is a reminder that their hard work has paid off and will inspire them to keep pushing forward. It also works to cement their value as a successful business person and leader in their community.
A formal dining room and sitting area will be well used for entertaining, whether it is intimate dinner parties for colleagues and friends, hosting family events, or for work and planning sessions.
Splurge on beautiful china, flatware, and crystal. An elegant table is a rare treat for guests, and they will enjoy how it makes a gathering feel like a special event.
Create a well-organized home built on systems that creates beauty out of structure, like pretty containers, and beautiful built-ins and kitchen cabinetry.
Whether their taste is traditional or modern, a design with a concise, single concept rooted in neutrals will feel elegant, even in the most casual of spaces. Art with pops of warm and cool colors will inspire. The use of simple lines with tailored details will allow their active mind the clarity it needs to relax.
Looking beyond trends to designs that are more refined and cultured as basis of inspiration will serve them well but allow for a personal imprint that reflects their unique style.
Create a well-designed and beautiful office that reflects their personal style and needs. Proudly displaying awards and family photos will remind them that they are working for a cause greater than themselves. Large windows, fireplace, or doors to a secluded garden will recharge them and allow them time to relax and focus their energy.
Explore family traditions and values, and find a way to incorporate them into the home.
Pinterest boards are included to help illustrate design ideas, but everyone has different tastes and styles, and we create custom concepts for all of our clients.
Working with Home Professionals
ESTJs enjoy working with professionals and understand that their role is to provide superior service, fulfill a need they may not excel at, and make their busy lives easier. An Interior Design is highly valued for their discerning tastes, creativity, and attention to detail with both design and project execution. ESTJs enjoy digging deep into complex situations and would appreciate a home that goes beyond standard ideals- if the home is traditional, it may be filled with intricate wood flooring and beautiful trim details; if it is modern, then it will push the boundaries through the unique use of materials and architecture. Enter with clear expectations of needs, but allow the designer the space they need to come up with something truly remarkable. Regular check-ins, updates, and thorough critiques will ensure the home is beautiful, personal, and suits their needs.
ESTJs enjoy traditional working relationships and will rely heavily on them to do their job expertly and with grace, while taking the lead with needs and wants, negotiations, and work to be done along the way. There should be a meeting of the minds early on for the client to explain their needs and wants and for the REALTOR to explain how the home buying and selling process works. This will ensure that expectations are set and everyone knows their role and tasks. Efficiency is important to the ESTJ. When looking for homes, email conversations with links to potential properties rather than days spent touring, will keep things moving in a productive direction. When they find homes they would like to see, having a REALTOR who is prepared with comparables, market, tax, and HOA information will help them to select a home and prepare an offer. The same is true for sellers, who will use the market information provided by their REALTOR as well as the information they glean from online resources, to come to their own conclusion about their home. It is important to understand that while much of the online information is based on actual market trends and current selling prices of available homes, some of it is based on algorithms and is not as accurate as the real time sales information REALTORS have access to via the MLS. Their experience in understanding the subtleties of different properties and assessing home values is as valuable to sellers and should be taken into consideration when determining a selling price.