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Introvert- Needs time alone to recharge; prefers small intimate groups; values personal space; thinks before acting; internally motivated; reserved; difficult to know; observant


iNtuitive- Future oriented; able to connect disparate ideas; appreciates concepts and theories; searches for patterns; recalls context; abstract and non-linear thinkers; free-floating memories and ideas


Thinking- Analytical of data; relies on facts and data to make decisions; uses objective and critical thought processes; accepts interpersonal conflict as a natural part of fact-based and analytical decision making; understands tasks required to accomplish goals


Judgement- Analytical of data; relies on facts and data to make decisions; uses objective and critical thought processes; accepts interpersonal conflict as a natural part of fact-based and analytical decision making; understands tasks required to accomplish goals



Ayn Rand  |  Thomas Jefferson  |  Vladimir L

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thur Ashe  |  Data  |  John Maynard Keynes  |  Stephen Hawking  |  Emily Bronte  |  Fredr

ich Nietzsche  |  Spock  |  Elvis Costello  |  El

on Musk  |  Colin Powell  |  Roger Waters  |  S ylvia Plath  |  Jay-Z  |  Mark Zuckerberg  |  Is  aac Asimov  |  Susan B Anthony  |  Trent Rez

nor  |  William F Buckley  |  John F Kennedy  |  Jean-Paul Sartre  |  Glenn Gould  |  Ted Ka

czynski  |  Ludwin von Beethoven  |  Meyer L

ansky  |  Anonymous  |  Stanley Kubrick

interior design ideas intj interior decorators interior designers raleigh durham chapel hill cary custom design luxury design myers briggs mbti 

As members of the Analyst group, INTJs rely heavily on their intuition and analytical thinking. Their facile mind sucks in ideas, makes quick connections, and evaluates them for plausibility, challenges, and effectiveness, while creating a sold plan for making it happen.  They firmly believe in their decisions and superior ability to process and assess information and will easily dismiss others who doubt their accuracy.  Imaginative and curious, they are self-motivated and prefer to work alone to achieve their goals, which they will do.  They quickly make up their mind and follow through with their plan, because they do not doubt their conclusions.  They value intelligence and rational thinking above all else, not one for emotions, and often surround themselves with intelligent people who love theory and ideas.  Relationships are, in fact, built around a 'meeting of the minds' rather than love.  They are flexible in the abstract but not in the concrete and use their imagination for planning, rather than the arts.  They thrive on independence with little respect for social norms, traditions, and structure, if they are able to see the flaws. Emotions are a sign of weakness, and they will not temper their criticism, preferring to give it honestly and as straight-forward as possible for the sake of efficiency.  They see their criticism and insight as valuable and helpful, not realizing they may have torn apart someone's dreams and goals; conversely, they will also point out the benefits and help to fine-tune the idea. When emotions arise, it is a sign that something is wrong and they need to reassess the information and redirect their approach.  Their thirst for knowledge and vision occupies much of their attention, and they prefer to spend their time on their studies and pursuits, rather than waste valuable time on small talk and social events, unless is serves a purpose.

Design Ideas

Design must be, above all else, organized, efficient, and purposeful. They have little need for ornamentation, flair, and unnecessary decoration, and may prefer the simpleness of minimalism and its rational design.  


While they will be quick to adapt to new technology and use it for both its efficiency and to go paperless, they may have a vast library of books.  Simple, minimal shelves not only keep information close at hand but become a functional piece of art. 


A large office will become their favorite room and most sacred personal space.  A comfortable sofa to relax in their office and plan their day is a nice treat since they value their personal space and will choose chairs over a sofa when mingling with others. A rug or accent wall with intricate organic or geometric patterns will inspire them and allow their mind to wander.  A single large piece of abstract art will speak to their intuitive side, while

INTJ Design Ideas

landscapes and figurative art may be too saccharine and sentimental for their tastes.  Large windows allowing for plenty of light and a visual rest from time spent focused on texts and computer screens is advised.  


They value stability and security and enjoy long term relationships as long as their partner shares their love of ideas and analytical conclusions.  A bedroom with a cool color palette will help them to relax and be present, and they may enjoy darker colors in their bedroom to help their mind relax and fall into deep thought. 


Expect them to undertake home renovation projects with design centered around creating better systems and more efficient use of space.  The majority of their designs will be based around their assessments and plans over the wishes of others due to their confidence in the plan and desire for simplicity.


Furniture needs are limited- they have little need for entertaining large groups and prefer to spend time alone.  If they do entertain, it will be with small groups of like-minded people, well planned, and for a definite length of time.  The comfort of their guests is not a huge concern, and they will rarely use their living spaces and dining rooms on their own, preferring to work in their office rather than relax in their living room.  Modern furniture is not known for comfort, which may work in their favor, since guests will not get too comfortable and stay longer than the INTJ would prefer.  Chairs are a must to allow them to maintain their personal space. 


INFJs appreciate the logic around good health and would appreciate a home gym or corner where they can keep a treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical.  Likewise, they will also benefit from a simple and well-structured vegetable and herb garden that is easy to maintain.  While they are action-oriented, it tends to be with ideas and plans, rather than house/yard work.


While INTJs are not one for family gallery walls and clutter, a few strategically placed photos of their family would do them good and remind them that there are people who enjoy their company and work can wait.  



Pinterest boards are included to help illustrate design ideas, but everyone has different tastes and styles, and we create custom concepts for all of our clients.  

Working with Home Professionals

As natural strategists who have active imaginations and are keenly aware of their environment and how systems work, INTJs would want to take an active role in the design of their home to ensure everything is deliberate, serves a purpose, and works well.  They are not afraid to do research and often see themselves as experts in any field they've researched.  Their facile mind sucks in information, puts it in context, and runs through various scenarios to determine how well their hypothesis works and will correct for weaknesses.  They will want to take the lead on any design project and may offer designs and sketches of their concepts.  Home professionals are invaluable for their ability to translate their thoughts into working drawings and plans, and they will respect the experience of others who offer concrete critiques and solutions and will help them to finesse their ideas and hone in on the practical details.  Their strategic mind will also be focused on the budget, which is another puzzle to be solved.  They will find new ways to solve design dilemmas that will both suit their needs and save money.  Their love of pushing boundaries through asking 'what if,' can push designs to new levels and be an enjoyable process for both the client and designer.


INTJs will engage in a lot of market research when buying or selling a home. However, they will be relying on public access sites that may have dated information and predictive data based on algorithms.  REALTORS, however, have access to the MLS which

has accurate information based on actual transactions and tax information.  An INTJ runs the risk of coming to brilliant conclusions based on inaccurate information without access to the MLS. 


As a seller, they are more than likely to rely on their own knowledge and understanding of their property and current market conditions and opt to sell it themselves, engaging an agent to do minimal listing work in the MLS.  However, listing agents would be invaluable as someone to confirm their data and provide them with more, assist in showings, market their property, and work as their voice in negotiations, adding the human touch which is just as important as the data. 


When buying a home, INTJs will be knowledgeable about market conditions in both the broad sense and locally.  They will have a list of pre-screened homes they want to see, as well as a well thought out list of needs and will quickly dismiss houses that aren't right for them.  They will appreciate any additional data the agent can supply and will help in crafting an offer.  They will use it to become an active member of the team, freely sharing their conclusions, preferring equality over hierarchy in a professional relationship.  The INTJ will have all their ducks in a row, from needed paperwork to finance and loan applications.  As strong strategists, they will carefully craft their offer and enjoy the negotiations.  The agent will appreciate their decisiveness when house-hunting if they understand the relationship is based on facts and facilitating the deal.  

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