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Introvert- Needs time alone to recharge; prefers small intimate groups; values personal space; thinks before acting; internally motivated; reserved; difficult to know; observant


iNtuitive- Future oriented; able to connect disparate ideas; appreciates concepts and theories; searches for patterns; recalls context; abstract and non-linear thinkers; free-floating memories and ideas


Thinking- Analytical of data; relies on facts and data to make decisions; uses objective and critical thought processes; accepts interpersonal conflict as a natural part of fact-based and analytical decision making; understands tasks required to accomplish goals


Perception-  Flexible and spontaneous; multi-tasks well; loves to mix work and play; does their best work last minute; values perfection over completion


Abraham Lincoln  |  Rene Descartes  |  Charl

es Darwin  |  Immanuel Kant  |  Adam Smith  |  Art Monk  |  Alan Greenspan  |  Edward Sn

owden  |  John Cusack  |  Bruce Banner  |  Ge

orge Soros  |  Harper Lee  |  Albert Einstein  |  James Madison  |  Sheldon Cooper  |  Sigo

urney Weaver  |  Larry Page  |  Liam Gallagh

er  |  Hermione Granger  |  Tina Fey  |  Bob N

ewhart  |  John le Carre  |  Harper Lee |  Mer

yl Streep  |  Viktor Frankl  |  Carl Jung  |  Sir Isaac Newton  |  Neo  |  Yoda  |  Paul Allen


INTP design ideas design ideas for intps myers briggs interior design ideas real estate introvert design ideas living room ideas interior decorating decor myers briggs interior design ideas realtor real estate MBTI design for type interior designers raleigh durham chapel hill cary north carolina luxury real estate

As members of the Analyst group, INTPs combine their Intuition and Thinking with their flexible and open-ended Perception to become inventive and creative intellectuals.  Their lack of structure and thirst for ideas can lead them down the rabbit hole of thought and discovery, easily losing track of time.  They can seem scattered, but that is only because they can bounce easily from idea to idea and get lost along the way.  Patterns, ideas, an associations come quickly to them, and they will not hand over information until it is perfect, with little regard for time limits and practical matters.  They are excellent analysts and love data- from numbers, to trends, to behavior, and will quickly be able to spot both discrepancies in patterns.  Finding the truth is paramount to them.  They can often seem to live in their heads, which is always racing, and they easily jump from idea to idea or topic to topic in conversation, which can be confusing to others.  But have no fear, they are actually talking to themselves and using others to figure out the puzzles that fill their mind.  Everything is connected to them in one way or another, and they will not rest until they figure out exactly how these things are connected.  However, once they do, they quickly move on.  Like many NT personalities, they have little respect for structure, rules, and tradition, often because it is flawed in theory and inefficient in reality.  Their imagination and ability to connect disparate ideas and concepts can give them a sharp sense of humor and lead to groundbreaking discoveries.  They are their biggest critics and often stand in their own way if they start to doubt themselves.  They do not take criticism well but will openly share their grand ideas.  They tend to get lost in the richness of their own minds and forget about life's details like meals, housework, and obligations, although they are remarkably stable partners with those they can share their ideas with.  Their absent-mindedness makes them retreat into their head where they begin to get comfortable and forget the needs of others.  While they love to share and have a great sense of humor, they are firmly rooted in logic and rational thought, rather than emotions.  

Design Ideas

When designing and decorating their homes, they will need multiple fully formed concepts to evaluate, and will have a difficult time deciding, because they will get lost in evaluating the options, however limiting them prevents them from taking over and offering endless solutions for the sake of exploration.  They will do well to remember that a finished space will enable them to focus on their work and put their attention where they will benefit most.


A large office is a must.  They will need a desk for work, a table for laying out their ideas, and full walls of whiteboards to draw out ideas, chart connections, and explorations.  Different seating areas will allow them to step back from the task and day-dream to their mind's content.  They will feel restless and unproductive if confined by a small space.  When working in a large areas, it is critical that they are still isolated in their own private world.

INTP Design Ideas

Cool, muted color palettes and neutrals will create a sense of calm and allow their mind to wander; bright warm colors are too energetic and can prove to be too distracting for them to focus.


A gallery wall filled with different themes and images will encourage connections and their imagination.  They do well with mixing styles, because they understand and see the common thread and theory behind it, even if others do not.


Due to their propensity to retreat into their heads and forget everyday tasks, it is important that storage solutions aren't too organized.  They will hide things from themselves when the need to organize strikes and not follow through on it if it takes too much attention.  A space for the items they need most, like keys, their wallet, and glasses, should have a dedicated space, like a simple dish, so they always know where they are- they could be carelessly placed or covered in papers.


A large clock and calendar that can easily be seen from across the room will help them remember obligations and keep track of time.  


INTPs would benefit greatly from the work of an Interior Designer, because they will share their passion and excitement for the design of the space as well as the need to explore.  The designer's role is to deliver a well thought-out and concise plan and execute it, which will ensure that the project is completed and their needs met.  It is, however, important that INTP clients remember they are hiring an expert and respect the goal- to give them a space that suits their needs and enables them to follow their mind- instead of constantly altering the plan for the sake of adventure and what if? 



Pinterest boards are included to help illustrate design ideas, but everyone has different tastes and styles, and we create custom concepts for all of our clients.  

Working with Home Professionals

Ideas are intellectual exercises for the INTP.  They will want to know everything about every idea they have and often reach out to others to help them explore.  Their flexibility of mind is best suited for them to formulate what it is they want in a house, no matter how crazy it may seem, because their Interior Designer will find a way to make it a concrete reality.  They will be able to achieve their goals if they start the process well in advance of engaging and professional by keeping lists and notes of ideas and needs they have while going about their normal activities.  The lists will be long and winding and may be quite contradictory in nature, but a professional designer will help them talk through their lists to prioritize the necessities and wishes.  They will serve themselves well by making a mental note of the hours and fees quoted, and estimate them higher to account for the inevitable changes and revisions they will make.  Meetings should always end with establishing deadlines and reviewing work to be performed as a way of helping the INTP stay on track.  Allowing their designer time to design and only reviewing the work at set intervals will be useful to both parties, since it will be easy for the client to follow the INTP down the proverbial rabbit hole of 'what if?'  Agreements will be most useful as well, allowing for minor tweaks to agreed upon designs, rather than major redesigns.  It is quite likely they will shoot a late night email proposing that one room gets relocated to the other side of the house and another email that changes the location of the garage, followed by an idea to add a second floor, a fireplace, or a secret door.  Proposed changes will not reflect on the quality of the plan, just the client's active mind, but setting agreements will ensure the completion of phases so the next step can start.  It might be a challenge, but remembering their end goal will keep them focused.  


INTPs would greatly benefit from engaging a REALTOR early on in their house-hunting process- when they are thinking about moving, not when they are ready to move.  Having a professional that can provide information, answer questions, and act as a sounding board will enable them to explore and research to their heart's content.  A single REALTOR will help them with their progression, instead of getting stuck with start-up steps by engaging a new REALTOR every time they have a question or need an opinion.  Patience is key in the early stages; if pushed before they are ready, they will explore but not make decisions.  When the process moves from theory to reality, an INTP will appreciate their guidance and insight on when they need to act on a property they really like, rather than waiting and potentially losing out.  


INTPs need professionals who will give them the information and space they need to explore early on, while also keeping them on-track when they are ready to make their goals a reality.

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