nBaxter Design
Introvert- Needs time alone to recharge; prefers small intimate groups; values personal space; internally motivated; reserved; difficult to know; observant
Sensing- Concerned with the present; objective thinkers; memory recalls facts and past events; likes clear and concrete info
Feeling- Employs emotions in dealings with others and are keenly aware that decisions have consequences on others; sensitive to the needs of others; seek win-win situations and mutual understanding; unsettled by conflict
Judgement- Predictable; enjoys routine; task oriented; enjoys structure; action oriented; planner; detail oriented and organized
Prince Charles | Barbara Bush | Mother Ter
esa | Tiger Woods | Anne Hathaway | Loui
sa May Alcott | Beyonce | Barbra Streisand
| W H Auden | Bruce Willis | William Howar
d Taft | Clara Barton | Kate Middleton | Ro
sa Parks | Kristi Yamaguchi | Josh Hartnett
| Gordon Brown | Sansa Stark | Christophe
r Walken | Kareem Abdul-Jabbar | Michael
Caine | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Jessica Si
mpson | Kenney Chesney | Samwise Gamg
ee | Gordon Brown | Alfred, Lord Tennyson
| Agatha Christie | Dr. Dre | Vin Diesel
These sweet souls see the best in people, and they believe in a perfect world. They tend to be more social than other Introverts and use it to create deep and meaningful relationships with those they are close to. Warm and dedicated, ISFJs have a highly developed sense of space, design, and aesthetics and use it to create beautiful worlds for their friends and loved ones. Art and music is equally important and is another way for them to appreciate life and the talents of mankind. They are traditional, structured, dependable and loyal; they take pride in meticulously tending to every detail of work and home life, which is just another way for them to take care of those they care about. Everything they do is an expression of their appreciation for others and a way to change the world, whether it is for just for one person or a cause greater than themselves. Family is extremely important to them, and they thrive in a traditional family environment. While they are shy and have several close friends, it is quite common for their family to become their social network. It is easy for ISFJs to put the needs of others above their own, and they will repress their disappointment to maintain a calm and stable environment. Words of appreciation, compliments, and recognition for their work will go a long way, because as important as it is for others to know they are loved, they need to hear it too. Like all J types, they thrive in structure, planning, and organization.
Design Ideas
Use traditional design and decorating rules as the foundation for design, but find interesting ways to design and decorate by adding a couple of elements of compatible trends. Collect files of similar styles to help with design. Being able to see how things will look when they're finished enables ISFJs to take calculated risks.
Beauty is highly important to ISFJs and infusing it into all aspects of their home and routine is a necessity, rather than a luxury. Pretty plates, napkins, and serving dishes are just as important as a lovely room, and it shows others how much they care.
There's no way of stopping them from being the caregivers and workhorses of the household, but a well organized kitchen, high-end appliances, cool gadgets, and beautiful spaces will give them pride, show that they are appreciated, and allow them to delight in every day tasks.
Open plan houses work well for them, because it allows them to spend time with the family and engage with others while tending to their work. A TV nearby or in the kitchen would be a great way for them to feel connected, catch up on the news, or watch a cooking show.
Let go of standard ideas of what rooms 'should' be, and create spaces that function well and bring joy. Laundry rooms and utility closets tend to be the least designed spaces in the house, which make them natural candidates for fresh design ideas-perhaps it is with beautiful Moroccan tiles or a great wallpaper; perhaps it's creating a laundry room with a comfortable sitting area or a pretty desk.
Create a central work-hub or family command center to keep everyone and everything running smoothly is important. Instead of a simple calendar and lists pinned to the wall, integrate it into the overall plan of the kitchen with bins for storing keys, a whiteboard calendar, and a large bulletin board or chalkboard wall that can be decorated with pretty designs or inspiring quotes.
Create a craft space for sewing, painting, knitting, or needlepoint. ISFJs need time alone to recharge and a space for them to express their creative side will yield beautiful results.
ISFJs will undoubtedly ensure their children's rooms are well designed and suit their needs but should also put equal priority on their own bedroom. It is their most personal space and necessary for their own well-being, but also ensures their partner is well taken care of, too.
Nothing says 'welcome' like a beautiful guest bedroom. Comfortable sheets, pretty bedding, a nice piece of art, and a well-stocked bathroom will elevate a guest's visit and make them feel wanted and special.
Pinterest boards are included to help illustrate design ideas, but everyone has different tastes and styles, and we create custom concepts for all of our clients.
Working with Home Professionals
The beauty of the ISFJ personality lies in their ability to flawlessly cater to the needs of others, which often makes the world a gentler place, but it often comes at their own expense. When it comes to purchasing a new house or designing their home, it is important they have an advocate who will give them space to express their needs and work on their behalf to ensure they are met. A strong and forceful personality may seem like a great match, but their ideal professional partner would work as their equal and treat them as they do others- with kindness and sensitivity, while looking out for their best interests when negotiating with others. Honesty and integrity is a must. They should wait until they meet their ideal match, because once they decide upon an advocate, they will give them their complete trust.