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Based on Jungian psychology and decades of research, validation, and analysis by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isable Briggs Myers, the test addressed individuals' natural preferences and inclinations.  They believed that everyone learns to adapt to certain situations as required by society, their work, and other factors but that their original preferences still remain.  The instrument looks at how people direct their energy and the different stages in decision making, from gathering information to acting on it.



Introvert vs Extrovert

The first position looks at how we direct our energy to recharge ourselves mentally and emotionally.  Introverts focus their energy inward and need time alone to recharge, while extroverts direct it outwardly, feeling more energized when spending time with others.

Sensory vs Intuitive

The second position looks at how we gather information.  Some are keen observers of the concrete world and look to what they can see, touch, and experience, while others rely on their intuition and gather information from impressions, making connections beyond what is visible.

Thinking vs Feeling

The third position looks at how we process the information we've used and the different factors we use when analyzing it.  Thinkers look at the facts they've gathered either through their five senses or their impressions and develop conclusions and judgments based on the data.  Feeling people factor in the emotions and needs of others when analyzing data and coming to conclusions; they understand how their decisions will affect others.

Judgement and Perception

The fourth position looks at what we do with the information and decisions we've made- do we need structure and predictability, and act decisively, or do we take a more fluid and flexible approach?  

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